Persons desiring to address the Township Board are asked to call 763-261-5301 or email the Clerk and give their name, address and subject matter to be discussed.
Any person unable to give advance notice prior to a Township meeting, needs to sign in and let the Clerk know the subject matter at the meeting so you can be added to the agenda prior to the start of the meeting.
Planning Commission and Joint Planning meetings usually require persons to give advance notification of desire to speak by contacting Town Staff. Persons desiring to speak on an agenda item will be recognized to speak when the agenda item is reached.
If you wish to speak, but have not given advance notification, please see the clerk immediately upon arrival.
All Becker Board’s reserve the right to limit speakers to three (3) minutes at their discretion.
Any person unable to give advance notice prior to a Township meeting, needs to sign in and let the Clerk know the subject matter at the meeting so you can be added to the agenda prior to the start of the meeting.
Planning Commission and Joint Planning meetings usually require persons to give advance notification of desire to speak by contacting Town Staff. Persons desiring to speak on an agenda item will be recognized to speak when the agenda item is reached.
If you wish to speak, but have not given advance notification, please see the clerk immediately upon arrival.
All Becker Board’s reserve the right to limit speakers to three (3) minutes at their discretion.

Serving on a Board
Do you have an interest in serving your community? Want to be more active in local government? If you are interested on serving on the Township Board, Planning Commission Board or Joint Planning Board, contact the clerk for more information. Board Members serve three year terms and terms are cyclical (i.e. only a portion of each board is elected or appointed each year). Township Board Members are elected in March. Planning Commission and Joint Planning Board Members are appointed in November.