Becker Township holds three main types of meetings. They are listed to the right along with a brief description. Click the appropriate button to open a web page for more details on the type of meeting for which you would like more information.
The three standard meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held at Becker Township Hall, 12165 Hancock Street, Becker, MN 55308. Other types of meetings include: Annual Meeting - held on Township Day each year (2nd Tuesday in March). Election of supervisors happen at this time and the levy (taxes) for the following year is set. Local Board of Appeal and Equalization - held in April most years. This is the first step when you wish to appeal your assessed tax valuation. Road Tour - Due to Covid-19, Road Tours are no longer the board going out together in a van to review road conditions. Two Road Supervisors take time to inspect roads in various sections of the Township on a monthly basis. Your assistance in reporting road issues is greatly appreciated as every road in the township is not inspected monthly. Please see meetings pages for further information. |
Town Board Meetings - typically the third Monday of each month unless a Federal Holiday falls on that Monday. If this happens, they fall on the following Monday. Town Planning Commission Meetings - typically the second Monday of each month. Joint Planning Board Meetings - typically the fourth Tuesday of each month. |