Township building permits can be obtained on the Building Permit Application page or by visiting Becker Town Hall at 12165 Hancock Street, Phone 763-261-5301 Hours are 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, or by emailing the Town Clerk.
Town Hall is closed on Thursday, Federal Holidays, and if Becker Public Schools have closed due to inclement weather
Please allow up to three weeks to process building permits.
Town Hall is closed on Thursday, Federal Holidays, and if Becker Public Schools have closed due to inclement weather
Please allow up to three weeks to process building permits.
If you need a secondary access (driveway permits) or utility permit, you need to start by contacting either the Township's Engineer or Township Clerk. Scroll down for answers to a few common questions.
Please allow a moment for forms to load as some are large pdf's. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view these files.
Please allow a moment for forms to load as some are large pdf's. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view these files.
Building Permit Information
It is unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure, or any part or portion thereof, including, but not limited to, the plumbing, electrical, ventilating, heating or air conditioning systems therein, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a separate building permit from the Town for each such building, structure or mechanical component. There are some exemptions to the building permit requirement. To see a list, go to the Ordinance page and click on Building Code and scan section three.
If you are filling out any permit OTHER THAN a building, utility or driveway permit, we recommend obtaining a copy of the current year's planning calendar. Conditional Use Permits, Subdivisions, Variances and other specialty types of permits normally require that you go through a public hearing prior before a final decision will be reached. Working with a staff member is necessary to be sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
For Township residents, unless a wetlands or other specialty type of permit is required, most permits will be handled by your local Planning Commission and Joint Planning Board. No need to go any further than your local township for approval.
Many permits are available on the permit application page. A pdf of Becker Township's Zoning and Land Use Ordinance is available on the Zoning page.
If no Land Use permit is required, plan for 1-3 weeks for the review process prior to receiving your permit. Fully completed applications make their way through the approval process much quicker than those requiring frequent stops to obtain further information from applicants. Permits can be paid in cash, check, or charge at the Becker Township Hall. You will be called once your building permit is ready to pick up.
Anytime you require a building permit in the Township, a Land Use Permit may also be required. Land Use permits are obtained through Sherburne County and you pay for those independently.
What about Agricultural Building Exemptions? Please review the Ag Building Permit Exemption Certification Form to determine if eligible for this exemption.
If you are filling out any permit OTHER THAN a building, utility or driveway permit, we recommend obtaining a copy of the current year's planning calendar. Conditional Use Permits, Subdivisions, Variances and other specialty types of permits normally require that you go through a public hearing prior before a final decision will be reached. Working with a staff member is necessary to be sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
For Township residents, unless a wetlands or other specialty type of permit is required, most permits will be handled by your local Planning Commission and Joint Planning Board. No need to go any further than your local township for approval.
Many permits are available on the permit application page. A pdf of Becker Township's Zoning and Land Use Ordinance is available on the Zoning page.
If no Land Use permit is required, plan for 1-3 weeks for the review process prior to receiving your permit. Fully completed applications make their way through the approval process much quicker than those requiring frequent stops to obtain further information from applicants. Permits can be paid in cash, check, or charge at the Becker Township Hall. You will be called once your building permit is ready to pick up.
Anytime you require a building permit in the Township, a Land Use Permit may also be required. Land Use permits are obtained through Sherburne County and you pay for those independently.
What about Agricultural Building Exemptions? Please review the Ag Building Permit Exemption Certification Form to determine if eligible for this exemption.
Can I have a Shipping Container in my yard? |
Probably. Do you have at least 2.5 acres? If so, then check out the shipping container ordinance.
How many square feet is allowed for a pole building (Accessory Structure) on my property? |
On parcels less than 5 acres, a detached accessory structure not over 25 feet in height (from the ground floor to the highest point), shall occupy not more than thirty percent of the area of any rear yard, providing further that no detached accessory structure shall be located within any rear lot line setback or easement. On parcels 5 acres or more, the height restriction is 35 feet.
A detached accessory structure shall not be designed for living quarters and shall not occupy the only land available for sewer system installation or replacement. The total area of detached accessory structures shall not exceed the following: Platted Lots: 1,200 square feet or 3% of the lot area, whichever is greater Unplatted Lots: 4% of the lot area Must not conflict with other zoning regulations Ordinance 2020-02; March 24, 2020 |
How many horses can I have on my property? |
For many animal questions, you can find your answer on the Animals in the Township page. In general, take your total acreage, subtract 1 acre for house/driveway. Then take the remaining answer and round down to the nearest whole number. That is the number of animal units allowed.
Example: 3.5 acre parcel. Subtract 1 acre for the house. That leaves 2.5 acres. Round DOWN to the nearest whole number, in this case you get 2. For this example, 2 animal units are allowed. To determine how many animal units your animal is, check out the ordinance definitions section of code or contact the Town Clerk. |
What about AG Buildings? |
Please review this Ag Permitting Document to determine if you have an actual agriculture exception. It needs to be filed with the Permitting office - located at the Becker Township Hall, 12165 Hancock Street. Please ask questions if you are uncertain if your building qualifies. If you do not have an active farm, it typically will not apply.
How large of a building can I build without obtaining a building permit? |
You can typically add an accessory structure up to 200 square feet before needing to obtain a building permit. It is important that you follow setbacks and other requirements when erecting your building. You are not exempt from setbacks even if the building is exempt from a building permit.
However, if the building is going to be placed in a floodplain area, even if under 200 square feet, a permit is required as well as adherence to the rest of the Floodplain Ordinance. |
When do I need a septic compliance inspection? |
Septic compliance is required when property changes hands or before you can obtain many types of building permits. They are also required in conjunction with many Use Permits (Conditional Use Permit, Interim Use Permit, Variance, etc. See ordinance). To obtain a septic compliance, you will need to choose and contact a licensed septic inspector who will conduct the inspection and file the appropriate paperwork.
If your septic fails the compliance inspection, you have 10 months to complete repairs/replacement. If money is an issue, Sherburne County Solid Waste can often assist with several programs they have. If it is winter and your septic fails compliance, the funds to upgrade the septic system are often placed into escrow with the Township and repairs are required once the weather permits. |
Where can I find an aerial view of my property? |
You may use the Beacon GIS System located here
How can I find out the last time my property had a septic compliance completed? |
Contact the Town Hall at 763-261-5301. We are happy to look.