Purpose and Intent of Zoning Ordinance
This Zoning Ordinance is enacted, without limitation, for the purpose of providing a means of guiding future development of land so as to insure a safer, more pleasant and more economical environment for residential, commercial, industrial and public activities; to preserve agricultural and other open lands; to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Town of Becker and the City of Becker; to provide in advance for anticipated changes in population, transportation, public utilities, real estate development, and public improvements, thereby obtaining significant savings in both private and public expenditures; to provide a public guide for future municipal action, thereby enabling both public agencies and private agencies to plan their activities in harmony with the municipal plans of the Becker Joint Planning Board; to assist citizens in developing their land more wisely, to serve citizens of the Town and City more effectively, to make the construction of future public services less costly, and to achieve a more secure tax base within the Town of Becker; to provide for the administration of the Zoning Ordinance and the powers and duties of administrative zoning officers; and to prescribe penalties for violations of this Zoning Ordinance.
Zoning and Land Use Ordinance
Becker Township administers its own zoning ordinance. Questions? Contact the clerk by email or phone: 763-261-5301
Zoning and Land Use Ordinance
Becker Township administers its own zoning ordinance. Questions? Contact the clerk by email or phone: 763-261-5301
Much of the Ordinance documentation is available below. Please contact clerk if you are looking for a particular ordinance or you can visit the Sherburne County Law Library to view a copy of ordinances. Looking for Certificate of Survey Requirements? See the Building Code Ordinance (right hand column) |
Zoning Ordinance Entire Zoning ordinance available as a single document upon request. The most commonly requested sections are below: Definitions Ag District General Rural District Commercial District Neighborhood Commercial Industrial One Industrial Two Heavy Industrial Floodplain Management General Performance Standards Subdivision Standards Special Provisions Home Occupations Shipping Containers |
How can I be notified when ordinance's are going to be modified?
All ordinance revisions require a public hearing and notice. Either read the Patriot Newspaper Public Notice section each week or you may contact the clerk and ask to be added to the email notification list. You will receive notice when public hearing notices are posted to the website as well as other important Township Notices such as when road construction will occur.
All ordinance revisions require a public hearing and notice. Either read the Patriot Newspaper Public Notice section each week or you may contact the clerk and ask to be added to the email notification list. You will receive notice when public hearing notices are posted to the website as well as other important Township Notices such as when road construction will occur.