Town of Becker Comprehensive Plan
Becker Township's Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2014. It can be downloaded and printed by clicking on the link below. If you need a physical copy of this document provided, the cost is currently $35.00 plus shipping fees if you do not pick up on site. You may also come in and read through the Becker Township Comprehensive Plan during office hours or by appointment.
Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan This plan is an update to the Becker Township’s 2007 Comprehensive Plan. It is the policy framework that the Town of Becker will use to guide township leaders in future decision making concerning land use and housing, transportation, parks and trails, and our township’s natural resources. Many of the key guiding principles previously established still hold true for this updated plan, including the community’s desire for growth while maintaining a small town feel and a respect for the land and its natural resources. This plan recognizes and builds on past and existing planning efforts and is based on community input. It will carry out many of the principles that have been working for the Town of Becker while providing new ones based on current issues, future trends, and desires of the community. As with the previous plan, the following statement continues to embody the community’s vision for the next 20 years. Growth with respect for the needs of its residents, a commitment to small town values, and a sense of stewardship for the land. Becker Township’s 2014 Comprehensive Plan intends to bring that statement to life. The plan is a collection of principles, goals, and strategies that reflect the community’s vision in its desire to maintain growth, small‐town character, and respect for community land and natural resources. Over the past decade, as in many communities, the Town of Becker has not experienced the same rate of growth as it had experienced between 1980 and 2000. This has been due, in part, to a residential development slowdown that began last decade. Based on existing development conditions and the desire to release the 2010 census figures, the Town of Becker took the opportunity to update its current plan, which is almost seven years old. |